May 5, 2021

Check out the new Firefish Hub!

A new look tank for our shoal

Last year, we took the dive to become a Work from Anywhere (WFA) employer when we discovered just how much the shoal was thriving working from home.

And while we’re already seeing the benefits of our new policy, there’s no way we’d give up on having a physical space for our Fish to get together when the time was right.

From ‘Aquarium’ to ‘Hub’

We’ve spent a lot of time over the last few months planning renovations to what we once called the Aquarium but has now transformed into our shiny new collaboration space -the Hub!

We’ve changed the name of our Glasgow office to ‘the Hub’, as we felt this more fitting: The hub is a space where our Fish can come together in a productive setting to get some much-needed social time away from home, to share ideas with colleagues or just to ‘get tanked’ at the fish bar with the rest of the shoal!

Take a sneak peek

With Covid-19restrictions still in place for office working in Scotland, we wanted to give our Fish a virtual sneak peek at the new space now that it’s completed – and the bonus of this is that you can take a swim around too!

Our hub has been split into different zones:

  • The Starfish where we welcome visitors to the Hub
  • The Dock where teams come together to share ideas and plan ahead
  • The Snail which is our new quiet space specifically used for that much-needed focus time
  • The Seahorse, which is a space complete with tiered seating, beanbags and a wall-mounted projector so the whole shoal have somewhere to sit for company updates.

And finally, we have our beloved Fish Bar, as no Firefish renovation would be complete without one!

It’s home to 3 beer fridges, a wine fridge and fully-stocked optics (although they won’t be stocked for long!). I’m sure you can guess which zone is the favourite 😉

And we’re still growing…

We’re expanding our team – if you’d like to join the fun and make the Firefish Hub your new office, take a look at our jobs page to see if we have an opportunity for you to come #swimwiththebest!