Report Builder for Recruitment Agencies

Build powerful reports for your recruitment agency with Firefish Report Builder. Optimise your marketing activities, analyse equality and diversity, and identify weak spots in your candidate journey.

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Trend Up Graph

Create powerful, personalised recruitment reports

Candidate Activity Report

Candidates and Clients

Paint a picture of the clients and candidates in your recruitment database. Build personalised reports, filtering by industry, owner, or location to help identify trends.
Recruitment Company Report


See the make-up of the companies across your database - vital for business development and ensuring that the companies being added match the characteristics of your ideal personas.
Job Reporting


Pull data on placement and termination activity and take a deep-dive into individual metrics. Helping you to optimise the candidate journey based on drop-off stages.
Custom Report Builder for Recruitment


Firefish makes it easy to pull data from across your recruitment agency from within your recruitment CRM, ensuring you can answer even the most complex reporting questions.

The report builder gives you the tools to create detailed reports on candidates, companies, jobs, and contacts. Load pre-saved reports or build your recruitment report from scratch.
Recruitment Report Filter


Filter your custom recruitment reports with complex, grouped filters that allow you to dive into several layers of data. Helping recruitment agencies to pick out exactly the metrics that they are looking for.

Filters can be saved and edited each time you run the report, giving you the tools to build effective comparison analysis reports at the click of a button.
Recruitment Report Export


Preview your recruitment reports in Firefish to ensure you have the correct filters applied and the collated data captures your reporting requirements.

Export your finalised custom reports to Word, Excel or in CSV format for uploading to your visualisation tool of choice.
Standard reports are great, but report builder lets me generate reports specific to my recruitment agencies needs.
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