Perfectly sync your Outlook inbox and calendar with your Firefish CRM.

Link your Outlook account to Firefish for simple candidate acquisition and seamless 2-way email.

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Connect Outlook to your CRM for improved scheduling and speedy candidate Add-in

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Add candidates directly to your CRM from an Email

Use the outlook add-in to add or update candidates directly into Firefish from Outlook.

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Sync your Outlook calendar and To Do list

Never miss a beat with automatic interview scheduling and task management into your Outlook calendar and To Do list.  

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Track and Record all emails sent and received through Outlook

2-way email tracking automatically picks up emails to candidates and contacts and records them for you, along with any replies.

How does the Outlook integration work?

The Firefish and Outlook integration streamlines candidate and task management with easy candidate add-in and diary syncing.

Recruiters can add or update candidate records in Firefish without leaving Outlook. Candidate records can also be populate with a CV and link to existing job vacancies.   

Agencies can also sync outlook to Firefish through 2-way email tracking which means all communication with candidates and contacts is automatically recorded.
Integrated Jobs Page
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